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Municipality of the District of Chester
Fire & Emergency Response

Properly displaying your civic number on your house or at the end of your drive ensures fast emergency response for the AMBULANCE, FIRE and POLICE Services.

First responders are moving quickly to assist you. Seeing the civic numbers posted clearly helps the responders to calculate when to start slowing down for the number they are looking for. When an emergency vehicle misses a driveway it causes delays in reaching someone who is in serious trouble. Precious minutes can pass while the emergency vehicle finds a place to turn around somewhere down the road and then return to the incident scene. The civic address ensures that the emergency services responsible for finding you or your neighbor can do it easily to save lives and property. Canada Post and other delivery services are also relying upon your civic address to find your house or business.

What is a Civic Address?

Your civic address is the number, road name and community name used to identify buildings:
i.e. 186 Central Street, Chester

What buildings need a Civic Address?

"A structure that is used or intended to be used to support or shelter any use or occupancy" will need a civic address number. This includes: dwellings (houses, cottages, apartment buildings etc.), businesses (full time or seasonal) and institutions (churches, schools etc.)

Why do I need a Civic Address?

Having your civic number posted is extremely important. Emergency services responding to a 911 call need to arrive at the scene in the shortest time possible. They need to find you quickly to help you and deal with the emergency.

How do I get a Civic Number?

Your civic number for new buildings is assigned by the Municipality of the District of Chester by the Building Inspector. If you have an existing building and you don't know your number call our Planning Dept. at 275-2599, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday or you can visit our office at 186 Central Street in Chester.

What do I need when I call for my Civic Number?

You will need one or more of the following information when you call:

• your road and community name
• your Assessment Account Number (AAN) (this is shown on your tax bill)
• your Property Identification Number (PID)
• assessed property owner's name

How do I get my Civic Number Plate?

Civic address plates must be made to the standards outlined in the Civic Addressing By-Law # 139. You can certainly make your own signage, however, Emergency Services are most familiar with, and prefer, the clearly visible blue and white reflective civic number signs.

These standard plates can be ordered by contacting the Planning Department at (902) 275-2599. The plates are $14.00 (prepaid). If you want the plate mailed back to you please add $2.00 to cover postage. Please make your cheque or money order payable to the Municipality of the District of Chester.

How do I properly display my Civic Number?

Your Civic Number should be displayed as follows:

  • Numbers should be displayed horizontally.
  • The plate should be placed at the end of the driveway so that the number can be easily seen from the road from both directions.
  • Do not put your plate on the opposite side of the road from your driveway or house. Emergency vehicles look for even numbers on one side of the road and odd numbers on the other side of the road.
  • The sign should be easily visible at night as many emergencies happen after dark.

Do you live on a private road?

If you live on a private road, it is important for you to have a road name sign posted to ensure fast emergency response services. Residents living on an existing private road are responsible for posting and maintaining their road sign. If you are unsure that your private road is listed please contact the Planning Department. All private road names require approval by Municipal Council to be listed in the 911 emergency system.

The specifications for a private road sign can be obtained from the Planning Department. We will order a sign for a new road name and put it up at no charge.

If you need to order a private road sign please contact the Planning Department at 902-275-2599.

Need More Information?

Please refer to Civic Addressing By-law #139

If you have any questions please contact us at:

Planning Department
Municipality of the District of Chester

PO BOX 20, 186 Central Street ,
Chester, Nova Scotia, B0J 1J0
Phone: (902) 275-2599
Fax: (902)-275-2598

Visit the Nova Scotia Provincial web site on Civic Addressing
